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Where compassion & photography meet.

After a decade of being in rooms holding birth, death and everything in between, as photographers we noticed there were moments that needed a gentle presence, people hoping to be seen beyond their appearance, and stories that required us to step into deeper truths.


It’s clear we’re called to a different way of working, to be with people, not solely to take a picture or capture a moment. We know that this way of being, this practice of Compassion photography is one which seeks to honor rather than capture, see rather than observe, and companion rather than document.


Our cameras and artistry are an extension of the view of our hearts, our intuitive way of seeing humanity, our ability to be present in emotionally layered moments and most importantly, to try our very best to honor it all. 


Whether it’s a non-profit trying to share the stories of the people they serve, a trans teen celebrating a long awaited transition moment, a family walking a cancer path with their child, or a survivor re-claiming their power after abuse, we hope to honor our shared beauty, grit and even our pain, forever learning what it means to be a Lens of Hope.  

Honoring vs. capturing, seeing rather than observing, & companioning instead of documenting. 

compassion photography

The practice of using our artistry and presence in emotionally complex situations to reflect back to our clients their own humanity and hope.  


Hope is different from optimism and isn’t always rooted in resolution, a particular outcome or answers. We embrace the idea that maybe hope isn’t so much about things changing as much as it is knowing we aren’t alone in it.

Hope Manifesto

We believe the hope unfolding before us asks us to unlearn the societal expectations of our current definitions of hope.


We believe hope is rooted in the truth of our lives, and not built upon toxic positivity or kitschy Pinterest quotes.


We believe hope is different from optimism and isn’t always rooted in resolution, a particular outcome or answers. We embrace the idea that maybe hope isn’t so much about things changing as much as it is knowing we aren’t alone in it.


We believe hope is active and moving and invites us to step into it, even when we can’t exactly see the whole path ahead. Tiny steps count and reveal the way. 


We believe hope often requires us to turn toward suffering.* It does not ask us to fix, but to simply be present and human with each other.


We believe that when we lose our own hope, others around us can rise up and hold it on our behalf.

We believe hope is not always found in the heavy and hard, but also exists in the lighthearted and soft. 


We believe as photographers and humans that we want to enter this work with soft and open hearts, learning together in mutuality with the people we serve. 


We believe our cameras and the practice of Compassion Photography are tools to connect, empower and honor. 


We believe we are students of hope, curious and open to each experience teaching us more about humanity and ourselves. 



Is there a part of you rising? Maybe you're a survivor reclaiming something that was taken, or owning an identity the world has yet to see. If your intuition knows there's a story waiting to be told, we're here to follow it.


The depth of your grief is also the depth of your love. Our losses are varied, vast, and part of our everyday lives. Let us stand with you as you reflect and honor your grief story. 


Through photography & creative storytelling, we partner with local non-profits to share the powerful stories of the people & communities they serve.


There is a sacredness to the transition from one realm to another. Even in the midst of so many emotions, we quietly allow our cameras to be a companion to you and your loved ones during those heavy moments.

Lens of Hope

richmond, va

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